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Natalya's Test Class - February 17, 2021

Class Details

Minerva Mcgonagall (

New Unit

All Types of Assignments

02: Intermediate

This Unit is designed for:
- Level: Intermediate;
- Difficulty: Moderate

02: Intermediate

This Unit is designed for:
- Level: Intermediate;
- Difficulty: Moderate

01: Beginner

This Unit is designed for:
- Level: Beginner;
- Difficulty: Easy

01: Beginner

This Unit is designed for:
- Level: Beginner;
- Difficulty: Easy

00: Introduction

This Unit contains the introductory material for the course as well as several Practice Quizzes.

Default Unit

All Types of Assignments

Unit 1: Vectors in \( \mathbb{R}^n \)

Unit 2: Systems of Linear Equations

Unit 3: Matrix Algebra

Unit 4: Independence and Basis

Unit 5: Subspaces of \( \mathbb{R}^n \)

Unit 6: Linear Transformations on \( \mathbb{R}^n \)

Unit 7: Determinants

Unit 8: Diagonalization

Credits and Acknowledgement

Build Number : bbc067b